Elliott Murphy’s Rock Dreams


Elliott Murphy’s truly phantasmagorical collection of his latest series of Rock Dreams is now available in paperback.



Elliott Murphy’s truly phantasmagorical collection of his latest series of Rock Dreams is now available in paperback. As some of you might remember, Elliott started posting his dreams on Facebook intermittently the last few years (one-hundred-forty-five in total!) and the response was positively wild with many fans requesting that Elliott’s nocturnal adventures someday be put into earthbound book form so they might keep it on their bedside table before trekking off onto the dreamscape of Murphyland. So here they are, the latest batch, fresh from Elliott Murphy’s unconscious universe; rounded up and corralled in one volume under the title Elliott Murphy’s Rock Dreams to delineate then from anyone else’s.

Author’s note: The charismatic characters who inhabit my dreams should not be confused with any real persons whose names they might share. Try to think of them all as imaginary celebrities from an alternative reality.